Welcome to Royal Roofing

We Are Proud to be Your Choice in Roofing.

(562) 928-1200

6831 Suva Street. Bell Gardens, CA 90201

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State Licensed “SINCE 1982”
C-39 #432352.
“Serving All of Southern California”
Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 05:00PM

Appointments Available

+ (562) 928-1200

Phone Support 24/7

6831 Suva St.

Bell Gardens, CA 90201


Healthy Team Members are crucial to our business.

Here are the methods we are following to stay healthy at Royal Roofing.

Royal Roofing - Stay Home

Stay Home

We are actively encouraging our team members to stay home if necessary. We have developed policies that encourage team members to stay at home without fear of reprisals, and ensure that team members are aware of these policies.

Work Remotely

We have developed other flexible policies for scheduling our appointments and working remotely (if feasible). We have created policies that allow team members to stay home to care for sick family members or care for children if schools and childcare are closed.

Royal Roofing - Work Remotely
Royal Roofing - Wear a Mask

Wear a Mask

We promote hygiene etiquette for coughing and sneezing and handwashing.  We provide tissues, no-touch trash cans, soap and water, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Each team member is provided with masks at the office. We don’t allow more than 4 people in our office at a time.

Social Distancing

We have implemented practices to minimize face-to-face contact between team members. We have arranged flexible work schedules, we have created social distancing work stations in our office and we have encouraged teleworking if necessary. 

Royal Roofing - Social Distancing
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