CSLB Check
How to Verify Your Roofer’s License
Our Commitment
Royal Roofing License
Royal Roofing Company still uses our ORIGINAL LICENSE from June 1982. There has NEVER been a disciplinary or failure to perform Citation nor a License Revocation in our history. With 5-10-20 year Warranties in place, this is a true testament that we satisfactorily service our warranties. The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) lists our status as Current and Active, as it has been since inception. It is rare for construction companies to maintain this status for 38 years as we have, especially RARE in the Roofing Industry.
If the license is under 10 Year Old, Buyer Beware; that Roofing Entity may lack the needed Roofing, Business and Financial stability to stay in business as long as or longer than the warranties it issues. Do your homework! Over the years, many customers we’ve helped have come to us after getting a bad roof and then having their roofing contractor disappear.
- GO TO The California State License Board Website to check any Contractor’s License & “true start date” as well as any Disciplinary history, Worker’s Comp. & Bonding issues (and whether resolved or still pending). Make sure you have the right company if searching by name, since many companies have very similar names. Royal Roofing Company’s Licence is C-39 #432352. The older the License, the more established the Contractor is. Consider “Cost over Time” as an excellent gauge of the True Cost and Value of your new roof, then compare each Bidder’s “Price over the Warranty period” and “Price over Life Expectancy” to get relevant comps.
- Ask each bidder to show you their Contractor’s License Card, Worker’s Comp. & Liability Insurance Certificates. Relying on ads or verbal confirmation of being Licensed/Bonded & Insured is no way to protect yourself! We have found that nearly 75% of other companies we have bid against were bidding under false pretenses.
- Ask for a photo or Google Map their place of business yourself. An established roofing company would not operate from a P.O. Box, dirt lot or their home address.
- Ask them what Factory Credentials they have and what Manufacturer are they Certified with.
- Ask them if they are able to pull the permits as part of their responsibility? Contractors with disciplinary issues cannot pull permits and will try to put this responsibility on the customer.